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<h1>Klacks parser</h1> <p> The Klacks parser provides an alternative parsing interface, similar in concept to Java's <a href="http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=173">Streaming API for XML</a> (StAX). </p> <p> It implements a streaming, "pull-based" API. This is different from SAX, which is a "push-based" model. </p> <p> Klacks is implemented using the same code base as the SAX parser and has the same parsing characteristics (validation, namespace support, entity resolution) while offering a more flexible interface than SAX. </p>
<h3>Example</h3> <p> The following example illustrates creation of a klacks <tt>source</tt>, use of the <tt>consume</tt> function to read individual events, and shows some of the most common event types. </p> <pre>* <b>(defparameter *source* (cxml:make-source "<example>text</example>"))</b> *SOURCE* * <b>(klacks:consume *source*)</b> :START-DOCUMENT * <b>(klacks:consume *source*)</b> :START-ELEMENT NIL ;namespace URI "example" ;local name "example" ;qualified name * <b>(klacks:consume *source*)</b> :CHARACTERS "text" * <b>(klacks:consume *source*)</b> :END-ELEMENT NIL "example" "example" * <b>(klacks:consume *source*)</b> :END-DOCUMENT * <b>(klacks:consume *source*)</b> NIL</pre>
<h3>Klacks sources</h3> <p> To parse using Klacks, create an XML <tt>source</tt> first. </p> <p> <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-SOURCE (input &key validate dtd root entity-resolver disallow-external-subset pathname)</div> Create and return a source for <tt>input</tt>. </p> <p> Exact behaviour depends on <tt>input</tt>, which can be one of the following types: </p> <ul> <li> <tt>pathname</tt> -- a Common Lisp pathname. Open the file specified by the pathname and create a source for the resulting stream. See below for information on how to close the stream. </li> <li><tt>stream</tt> -- a Common Lisp stream with element-type <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>. See below for information on how to close the stream. </li> <li> <tt>octets</tt> -- an <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> array. The array is parsed directly, and interpreted according to the encoding it specifies. </li> <li> <tt>string</tt>/<tt>rod</tt> -- a rod (or <tt>string</tt> on unicode-capable implementations). Parses an XML document from the input string that has already undergone external-format decoding. </li> </ul> <p> <b>Closing streams:</b> Sources can refer to Lisp streams that need to be closed after parsing. This includes a stream passed explicitly as <tt>input</tt>, a stream created implicitly for the <tt>pathname</tt> case, as well as any streams created automatically for external parsed entities referred to by the document. </p> <p> All these stream get closed automatically if end of file is reached normally. Use <tt>klacks:close-source</tt> or <tt>klacks:with-open-source</tt> to ensure that the streams get closed otherwise. </p> <p> <b>Keyword arguments</b> have the same meaning as with the SAX parser, please refer to the documentation of <a href="using.html#parser">parse-file</a> for more information: </p> <ul> <li> <tt>validate</tt> </li> <li> <tt>dtd</tt> </li> <li><tt>root</tt> </li> <li> <tt>entity-resolver</tt> </li> <li> <tt>disallow-internal-subset</tt> </li> </ul> <p> In addition, the following argument is for types of <tt>input</tt> other than <tt>pathname</tt>: </p> <ul> <li> <tt>pathname</tt> -- If specified, defines the base URI of the document based on this pathname instance. </li> </ul>
<p> Events are read from the stream using the following functions: </p> <p> <div class="def">Function KLACKS:PEEK (source)</div> <p> => :start-document<br/> or => :start-document, version, encoding, standalonep<br/> or => :dtd, name, public-id, system-id<br/> or => :start-element, uri, lname, qname<br/> or => :end-element, uri, lname, qname<br/> or => :characters, data<br/> or => :processing-instruction, target, data<br/> or => :comment, data<br/> or => :end-document, data<br/> or => nil </p> <p> <tt>peek</tt> returns the current event's key and main values. </p> <p> <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CONSUME (source) => key, value*</div> </p> <p> Return the same values <tt>peek</tt> would, and in addition advance the source forward to the next event. </p> <p> <div class="def">Function KLACKS:PEEK-VALUE (source) => value*</div> </p> <p> Like <tt>peek</tt>, but return only the values, not the key. </p> <p> <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-URI (source) => uri</div> <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-LNAME (source) => string</div> <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-QNAME (source) => string</div> </p> <p> If the current event is :start-element or :end-element, return the corresponding value. Else, signal an error. </p> <p> <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-CHARACTERS (source) => string</div> </p> <p> If the current event is :characters, return the character data value. Else, signal an error. </p> <p> <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-CDATA-SECTION-P (source) => boolean</div> </p> <p> If the current event is :characters, determine whether the data was specified using a CDATA section in the source document. Else, signal an error. </p> <p> <div class="def">Function KLACKS:MAP-ATTRIBUTES (fn source)</div> </p> <p> Call <tt>fn</tt> for each attribute of the current start tag in turn, and pass the following values as arguments to the function: <ul> <li>namespace uri</li> <li>local name</li> <li>qualified name</li> <li>attribute value</li> <li>a boolean indicating whether the attribute was specified explicitly in the source document, rather than defaulted from a DTD</li> </ul> Only valid for :start-element. </p> <p> Return a list of SAX attribute structures for the current start tag. Only valid for :start-element. </p>
<p> <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CLOSE-SOURCE (source)</div> Close all streams referred to by <tt>source</tt>. </p> <p> <div class="def">Macro KLACKS:WITH-OPEN-SOURCE ((var source) &body body)</div> Evaluate <tt>source</tt> to create a source object, bind it to symbol <tt>var</tt> and evaluate <tt>body</tt> as an implicit progn. Call <tt>klacks:close-source</tt> to close the source after exiting <tt>body</tt>, whether normally or abnormally. </p> </body> </html>