Update of /project/cxml/cvsroot/cxml In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv31965
Added Files: runes.asd Log Message: runes.asd
--- /project/cxml/cvsroot/cxml/runes.asd 2007/05/26 22:05:14 NONE +++ /project/cxml/cvsroot/cxml/runes.asd 2007/05/26 22:05:14 1.1 ;;; XXX Die vielen verschiedenen Systeme hier sollten vielleicht ;;; Module eines grossen Systems CXML werden?
(defpackage :runes-system (:use :asdf :cl) (:export #:*utf8-runes-readtable*))
(in-package :runes-system)
(defvar *utf8-runes-readtable*)
(defclass closure-source-file (cl-source-file) ())
#+sbcl (defmethod perform :around ((o compile-op) (s closure-source-file)) ;; shut up already. Correctness first. (handler-bind ((sb-ext:compiler-note #'muffle-warning)) (let (#+sbcl (*compile-print* nil)) (call-next-method))))
#-(or rune-is-character rune-is-integer) (progn (format t "~&;;; Checking for wide character support...") (force-output) (pushnew (dotimes (x 65536 (progn (format t " ok, characters have at least 16 bits.~%") :rune-is-character)) (unless (and (< x char-code-limit) (code-char x)) (format t " no, reverting to octet strings.~%") (return :rune-is-integer))) *features*))
#-rune-is-character (format t "~&;;; Building Closure with (UNSIGNED-BYTE 16) RUNES~%")
#+rune-is-character (format t "~&;;; Building Closure with CHARACTER RUNES~%")
(defsystem :runes :default-component-class closure-source-file :pathname (merge-pathnames "runes/" (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :defaults *load-truename*)) :serial t :components ((:file "package") (:file "definline") (:file runes :pathname #-rune-is-character "runes" #+rune-is-character "characters") #+rune-is-integer (:file "utf8") (:file "syntax") (:file "encodings") (:file "encodings-data") (:file "xstream") (:file "ystream")))