I'm using cxml as of 2006-01-05 and encounter problems with documents
which refer to a local DTD. The important constraint here is that I'm
working on a system on which all catalogs are old-style SGML catalogs
and using XML catalogs is out. Before rolling my own entity resolver
or working out a general solution using cxml:make-extid, I simply
wanted to test SYSTEM ids. However, this doesn't work out as
expected. I get an error from xstream-open-extid, which seems to get
passed an absolute path instead of the relative path given in the
doctype declaration. I.e.,
<!DOCTYPE review SYSTEM "review.dtd" >
results in
#S(EXTID :PUBLIC NIL :SYSTEM #<URI file://+/review.dtd>))
#S(EXTID :PUBLIC NIL :SYSTEM #<URI file://+/review.dt>)
which is afterwards translated to /review.dtd.
I did some fairly low-level digging through the code, and think that
the error is related to the following piece of code in p/doctype-decl:
(when extid
(let* ((effective-extid
(extid-using-catalog (absolute-extid input extid)))
I don't understand why the effective-extid is computed based on an
absolute-extid -- I would have expected some test whether the path is
absolute or relative. However, maybe I misinterpret something, and the
comment below is related to the problem:
(defun absolute-uri (sysid source-stream)
(let ((base-sysid (zstream-base-sysid source-stream)))
;; XXX is the IF correct?
(if base-sysid
(puri:merge-uris sysid base-sysid)
I have an additional theory here: base-sysid is "file://+/", and
indeed inspecting source-stream shows that the URI associated with it
is indeed just
The object is a STRUCTURE-OBJECT of type STREAM-NAME.
ENTITY-NAME: "main document"
URI: #<URI file://+>
This also doesn't seem to make to much sense to me either.
However, I'm just debugging cluelessly around, so ultimately, I'm just
asking for help. :-)
With kind regards,
--- http://www.coling.uni-freiburg.de/~schauer/ ---
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