Quoting Sunil Mishra (smishra@sfmishras.com):
- clone-node when applied to a document doesn't work.
Aha. The spec says something about implementation-dependent behaviour when cloning documents. I have not investigated what other DOM implementations are doing here, but creating a new document referencing the same DTD data structures seems like a good idea.
I will implement that and let you know when it is done.
- create-document does not set the dtd of a document based on the
supplied document type definition. This for example inhibits get-element-by-id from working.
create-document is indeed a very simple function that just creates a new document without any DTD information, similar to the result of parsing an "empty" XML document into DOM.
I'm not sure I understand what precise behaviour you expect from create-document or how to implement it. Can you elaborate?