I think that you might need to generate the sax:unescaped event, rather than the sax:escaped event that is being generated there.  How you do that with xhtml-generator:with-html, I am not sure, but perhaps you could get away with:

(cxml:unescaped "λ") or failing that perhaps
(progn (cxml:unescaped "λ") nil)

Hope this helps,

On 5/10/2011 2:18 PM, Marco Antoniotti wrote:

I am trying to write "Λ" on a sink.

 (let ((sink (cxml:make-character-stream-sink *standard-output* :indentation 2 :canonical nil)))
  (sax:start-document sink)
  (xhtml-generator:write-doctype sink)
  (xhtml-generator:with-html sink
      (:title "Titel"))
      ((:p "style" "font-weight: bold")
       (:li "Eins")
       (:li "Zwei") (:li "Λ")
       (:li "Drei")))))
  (sax:end-document sink))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <p style="font-weight: bold">
#<EDITOR::RUBBER-STREAM #<EDITOR:BUFFER CAPI interactive-pane 2> 219C7A3F>

How do I get it "right"?


Marco Antoniotti