On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 12:02 AM, David Lichteblau <david@lichteblau.com> wrote:
Quoting Raymond Wiker (rwiker@gmail.com):
> Would it be an idea to add functionality similar to what
> plexippus-xpath provides via with-namespaces? I.e, a special variable
> that holds the current set of namespace tag/uri mappings, and have
> some some additional constructors that use split-qname to extract the
> tag and look-up the url from the current set of mappings.

Possibly...  cxml currently has such a macro only for its serialization
API, i.e.

CL-USER> (cxml:with-xml-output (stp:make-builder)
          (cxml:with-namespace ("a" "http://a")
            (cxml:with-element "a:b"
              (cxml:text "xyz"))))
                 #| :PARENT of type DOCUMENT |#
                 :CHILDREN '(#.(CXML-STP:TEXT
                                #| :PARENT of type ELEMENT |#
                 :LOCAL-NAME "b"
                 :NAMESPACE-PREFIX "a"
                 :NAMESPACE-URI "http://a")))

That API can't really modify STP in place though; the builder only knows
how to set up a full document.

[Subject: changed, as it was getting embarassingly inappropriate.]

I ended up modifying my add-element function, based on the code that you included earlier. It now looks like this:

(defun add-element (parent element-name attributes &optional element-value)
  (let ((element-name (if (listp element-name) (first element-name) element-name))
        (namespace-uri (if (listp element-name) (second element-name)
                          (cxml-stp:find-namespace (cxml::split-qname element-name) parent))))
    (let ((new-element (cxml-stp:make-element element-name namespace-uri)))
      (cxml-stp:append-child parent new-element)
      (loop for (name value) on attributes by #'cddr
            do (cxml-stp:add-attribute
                 (princ-to-string value)
                  (cxml::split-qname name) new-element))))
      (when element-value
        (cxml-stp:append-child new-element (cxml-stp:make-text (princ-to-string element-value))))

This seems to work, but I'm not 100% sure of the code that handles namespaces for attributes.

Note that the code uses two un-exported symbols: cxml::split-name and cxml-stp-impl::find-attribute-namespace. Should these be exported?

Best Regards,
Raymond Wiker