-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi David, It looks like clone-node on a document doesn't work with the attached document... CL-USER(11): (describe /d) #<RUNE-DOM::DOCUMENT @ #x20cdf832> is an instance of #<STANDARD-CLASS RUNE-DOM::DOCUMENT>: The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation: PARENT NIL CHILDREN #(#<RUNE-DOM::ELEMENT svg @ #x20cf46ea>) OWNER NIL READ-ONLY-P NIL MAP NIL DOC-TYPE #<RUNE-DOM::DOCUMENT-TYPE @ #x20ced59a> DTD #S(CXML::DTD :ELEMENTS #<EQUAL hash-table with 81 entries @ #x20cf248a> :GENTITIES #<EQUAL hash-table with 5 entries @ #x20cf24ba> :PENTITIES #<EQUAL hash-table with 707 entries @ #x20cf24ea> :NOTATIONS #<EQUAL hash-table with 0 entries @ #x20cf251a>) ENTITY-RESOLVER #<Closure (:INTERNAL CXML::P/DOCTYPE-DECL 1) @ #x20ced5d2> CL-USER(14): (dom:map-document (cxml:make-namespace-normalizer (cxml:make-octet-stream-sink *standard-output*)) /d :include-doctype :canonical-notations) <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> ; <defs> <rect fill="black" height="10" id="default-node-shape" stroke="blue" width="60"></rect> </defs> </svg> #<MULTIVALENT stream socket connected from localhost/3982 to localhost/3983 @ #x205003d2> CL-USER(15): (dom:clone-node /d t) Error: The slot DOM::%INTERNAL-SUBSET is unbound in the object #<RUNE-DOM::DOCUMENT-TYPE @ #x208cd3e2> of class #<STANDARD-CLASS RUNE-DOM::DOCUMENT-TYPE>. [condition type: UNBOUND-SLOT] Restart actions (select using :continue): 0: Try accessing the slot again 1: Return a value 2: Store a value and return it 3: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart). 4: Abort entirely from this (lisp) process. [1] CL-USER(16): :zo Evaluation stack: (ERROR #<UNBOUND-SLOT @ #x209b9542>) ->((METHOD SLOT-UNBOUND (T T T)) #<STANDARD-CLASS CXML-DOM::DOCUMENT-TYPE> #<CXML-DOM::DOCUMENT-TYPE @ #x208cd3e2> ...) ((METHOD DOM:CLONE-NODE (CXML-DOM::DOCUMENT T)) #<CXML-DOM::DOCUMENT @ #x208c1692> T) (EVAL (DOM:CLONE-NODE /D T)) (TPL:TOP-LEVEL-READ-EVAL-PRINT-LOOP) (TPL:START-INTERACTIVE-TOP-LEVEL #<MULTIVALENT stream socket connected from localhost/3982 to localhost/3983 @ #x205003d2> TPL:TOP-LEVEL-READ-EVAL-PRINT-LOOP ...) [1] CL-USER(17): :pop Sunil David Lichteblau wrote:
Quoting David Lichteblau (david@lichteblau.com):
Quoting Sunil Mishra (smishra@sfmishras.com):
1. clone-node when applied to a document doesn't work. I will implement that and let you know when it is done.
Checked in, please test!
d. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.1 (Cygwin) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org