Hi I downloaded cxml from cvs a few hours ago and gave it a try, but it fails to run the "Quick-Start Example" correctly: Using CMU 19c: (cmucl19a gave the same results) CL-USER> (with-open-file (s "example.xml" :direction :output) (write-string "<test a='b'><child/></test>" s)) "<test a='b'><child/></test>" CL-USER> (cxml:parse-file "example.xml" (dom:make-dom-builder)) #<DOM-IMPL::DOCUMENT {58B6E205}> CL-USER> (defparameter *example* *) *EXAMPLE* CL-USER> (dom:document-element *example*) #<DOM-IMPL::ELEMENT test {5808FCD5}> CL-USER> (dom:tag-name (dom:document-element *example*)) #(116 101 115 116) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CL-USER> (dom:child-nodes (dom:document-element *example*)) #(#<DOM-IMPL::ELEMENT child {582711A5}>) CL-USER> (dom:get-attribute (dom:document-element *example*) "a") #(98) ^^^^^ CL-USER> (cxml:parse-file "example.xml" (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder)) (#(116 101 115 116) ((#(97) #(98))) (#(99 104 105 108 100) NIL)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using Lispworks 4.4 strings are returned as on the webpage. Kristian