Hi, Quoting Attila Lendvai (attila.lendvai@gmail.com):
as a followup, please find the current version attached. unfortunately i was drawn away from this code, but it works well when working with gccxml outputs.
that sounds interesting. However, these days I try to package up extensions to cxml as separate projects. My suggestion would be to do the same for your code. (For example, cxml-stp, cxml-rng, Plexippus XPath, and Xuriella XSLT are strictly add-ons to cxml. In addition, projects like Closure Common and Closure HTML were originally a part of Closure and are now maintained separately.) I am still undecided whether it would be a good idea to go further and actually split up the existing cxml code base. The DOM implementation would be a good candidate. For now, I will probably not split up cxml, but also not make it much larger. d.