Quoting Marco Antoniotti (marcoxa@cs.nyu.edu):
On May 27, 2011, at 18:43 , David Lichteblau wrote:
cxml:unescaped is the "official" solution to implement this. Please use that.
That is not a solution. I do not want to write (:p "And now" (cxml:unescaped "Λ") "!") (which, besides, does not work).
OK; at this level it's called sax:unescaped, not cxml:unescaped. (In my defence, I got this right in the previous email in this thread, where I also gave the full argument list, indicating that it takes two arguments, the sink and the string.) I can only repeat that xhtml-generator is sample-code quality, and I don't really support it. But it's very easy to hack on and extend, and that's what you can do if you are willing to dive into it: (in-package :xhtml-generator) (def-special-html :entity (lambda (ent args argsp body) `(sax:unescaped *html-sink* (format nil "&~(~A~);" ',(car body))))) CL-USER> (let ((s (cxml:make-string-sink))) (sax:end-document (xhtml-generator:with-html s (:html (:body "foo" (:entity :foo) "bar")) s))) "<html><body>foo&foo;bar</body></html>"