Quoting Sunil Mishra (smishra@sfmishras.com):
2. create-document does not set the dtd of a document based on the supplied document type definition. This for example inhibits get-element-by-id from working.
Oh, browsing the DOM specification for ideas I just found out that cxml does not implement the DOMImplementation interface at all. What you are looking for is DOMImplementation.createDocument(), right? It just happens that cxml has a function called CREATE-DOCUMENT with utterly different and less useful behaviour for historical reasons. Not sure why the test suite never caught that, but we claim to implement DOM 2 now, so I will fix that. interface DOMImplementation { [...] // Introduced in DOM Level 2: DocumentType createDocumentType(in DOMString qualifiedName, in DOMString publicId, in DOMString systemId) raises(DOMException); // Introduced in DOM Level 2: Document createDocument(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString qualifiedName, in DocumentType doctype) raises(DOMException); [...] } d.