On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Andrei Stebakov <lispercat(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> After I upgraded to new chunga things started to move, but now I have
> a problem with drakma:http-request. It returns a binary array on a
> request like (http-request "http://lisp.org/"), so all my functions
> depending on http-request fail. I'll ask about it in drakma ml.
As I said in the release announcements, the new and the old (with
1.x.x being the dividing line) versions of Drakma, Hunchentoot, and
Chunga are mutually incompatible. If you upgrade one of them, you
need to upgrade all three libraries.
With the new release of DRAKMA I was looking over some of the source,
and came across code like
(some-function ...#+:clisp #+:clisp :clisp-arg clisp-val)
which I'd never seen before. I started to investigate, and a
discussion even started on c.l.l [1]. It turns out that not all Lisps
treat these constructions in the same way. Particularly, in the case
of #-feature #-feature, some process the second #-feature with
*READ-SUPPRESS* bound to T, so the behavior is like #-CL:NIL. At any
rate, it seems a bit safer and more portable not to nest the
conditionalized expressions. The only place I found these was in
request.lisp, and even there only in three places.
I've attached a diff in which they are changed to the safer form. I've
also added leading colons to openmcl, since the rest of the source
seemed to use that style.
Thanks for a great HTTP client—DRAKMA's the one I turn to when I need
a Lisp HTTP client.
[1] http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.lisp/browse_thread/thread/8d50284a…
Joshua Taylor
tayloj(a)cs.rpi.edu, jtaylor(a)alum.rpi.edu
"A lot of good things went down one time,
back in the goodle days."
John Hartford