This is exaclty what I need. The GET method works just fine, but I have trouble with the POST method uploading the files.
Edi, here is a question (I am not sure if it's the right mailing list to ask it...)
When I say (this is part of a function, so I use back-quote for parameters):

(drakma:http-request "/some/uri"
                :method :post :form-data t
                :parameters `(("Name1" . ,name1)
                      ("Name2" . ,name2)
                      ("File" . ,file-name))))

I got an "unknown error" from the remote host. Looks like there is problem with streaming file contents. I did a little of debugging printing the content of file buffer (in send-content function) looks like the file is being open and read, but something happens at the receiving end.
I wonder how can I debug it more.
When I do the same request from the FORM in Firefox everything works.
What debuggind techniques I can try here? (Sorry I am still very new to Lisp)

Thank you,