I acknowledge that I may be doing this wrong.
I have a very trivial hunchentoot server which merely returns a string containing the Hunchentoot SessionID.
From browsers, this works - subsequent requests do not result in a new session being created.
However, even (mis?) using the cookie-jar, I end up with new sessions being created.

(let ((jar (make-instance 'cookie-jar)))
  (labels ((doit ()
             (print (multiple-value-list (http-request http://mysite.com/ :cookie-jar jar)))
             (print (cookie-jar-cookies jar))))
    (cookie-jar-cookies jar)))
The cookie seems to be replaced with each call, with a new session's cookie.  I imagine hunchentoot uses cookies to track sessions - is the old cookie not being sent back?
Is there something I am doing wrong?  Is there a way to use Drakma to track a persistent session?
The set-cookie comes back as hunchentoot-session=xx%yyy - where xx is the session number.