Unfortunately it's not a public url, and it uses some authorization tokens in the request, so I can't disclose it.
I am using drakma-0.11.5 and chunga-0.4.2 on Ubuntu with sbcl-1.0.15.
I am going to use *header-stream* to see if it gives some clue.


On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 3:21 PM, Edi Weitz <edi@agharta.de> wrote:
On Fri, 9 May 2008 14:48:10 -0400, "Andrei Stebakov" <lispercat@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using http-request to upload files on some web-site. The
> problem is that sometimes the function returns a nil response so I
> just have to repeat it again with the same parameters.  Sometimes it
> take up to 8 retries to make the request return a non-nil response.
> I wonder if you saw it before or how can I debug it? The function
> doesn't take long to return with nil result. I mean the whole file
> upload can take 10 seconds, so the http-request may return nil
> within those 10 seconds. Is some timeout or the connection gets
> broken between the hosts? There is no exception raised as well, it
> just silently returns nil.

Hmm, it should definitely not just silently return NIL, but we
probably need a tiny little bit more info from you:

Which Lisp?  Which operating system?  Which version of Drakma and
Chunga?  Have you tried to trace the headers when this happens?


Is this a public URL so we can try to reproduce your problem?

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