Hi, On Mon, Feb 18 2019, PR wrote:
2019-02-18 12:10 GMT+01:00, Erik Winkels <aerique@xs4all.nl>:
...but I'm unclear how EQL fits in here due to Sailfish's own layer on top of QT (Silica).
That's not a problem: Silica is written in QML, in order to provide custom look and feel for Sailfish, so you only need to import Silica at the top of your QML files like this:
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
(Not that I have any experience with Sailfish/Silica, just repeating what the docu says.)
That’s pretty much about it. I would also suggest to create the Qt application in C++ using functions from libsailfishapp (https://github.com/sailfishos/libsailfishapp) to speed up a bit the application launch but it is not mandatory. The approach I’m experimenting right now is a mix of “my_app” and “M-modules/quick” examples from EQL5 and it seems to be a viable one. I stumbled upon a crash at launch (floating point exception) when trying to run something ecl/eql related in the emulator but it is working fine on the device. I still need to find a way to efficiently use slime with this setup. I might put a template on a public repository to help quickstart application development when I’m satisfied with my environment. -- Renaud Casenave-Péré