2017-08-31 21:12 GMT+02:00, Daniel KochmaĆski <daniel@turtleware.eu>:
that probably means you still have slime without my recent improvements. Removal of timedwait was done in 898aac6348a307130fb1c3906db86bd1cb565e92 slime. It's present in 2.20 version.
Yeah, :spawn would be nice, but unfortunately it's not working, even with Slime v2.20 and latest ECL git snapshot... Now it gives a different error: a segfault, which is (to my knowledge) hard to debug on android. --- you probably want to skip this / rant warning --- Sorry for a personal note/rant, but it may shed some light on others having similar trouble: I've currently given up on Swank running on android: it's simply not worth the trouble (at least in my case)! It's too slow starting up; the whole app has to be restarted on every connection problem; it freezes randomly for no apparent reason (maybe related to the Qt5/QML integration, as I found out indirectly; and I won't even go into the details of an (im)possible "workaround"...). (1) For developing the Lisp part, I simply can do everything on the desktop, as I'm used to. (2) For the UI part, it's basically the same as above; and if I really, really want to edit (on the PC) and reload (on android) the QML files directly from the device, I can do so quite easily, and without Slime (see README-1 of REPL example). Paul
On 26.08.2017 10:02, PR wrote:
Since Daniel suggested the new :spawn style as swank:*communiication-style*, which works on the PC, I tried it on android, but there it gives this error:
Condition of type: SIMPLE-ERROR Timed condition variables are not supported.