This is something I experienced a couple weeks ago. The solution is to link your final executable against the 'contrib' libraries that ECL has compiled.
As far as i can tell, my central registry isn't set up. After starting
ECL and loading ASDF, when I check asdf:*central-registry*, it is
It must be noted, however, that to get to :str package that I want to
use, I must load :ecl-quicklisp, which adds path ~/quicklisp/quicklisp
to the central registry. In any way, it doesn't seem that there is
code of uiop in there.
I have tried compiling with listing "asdf", "uiop" as dependencies to
no success. The problem still persists.
> Do you have the source code of uiop available in the central registry? Quicklisp won't
> download it, because asdf considers it being preloaded. Also, if so, do you have uiop
> listed as a dependency?
> Alternatively you may add asdf as a dependency to your system.
>Daniel Kochmański ;; aka jackdaniel | Przemyśl, Poland
>"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
>‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>On Tuesday, 1 December 2020 22:01, Иван Трусков <trus19 at> wrote:
>> Thank you very much. After rebuilding with newer version of ecl and with :init-name supplied compilation was a success.
>> However, when i try to run the resulting executable, i get this error:
>> Condition of type: SIMPLE-ERROR
>> Package ((UIOP/STREAM . #<UIOP/STREAM package>)) referenced in compiled file
>> NIL
>> but has not been created
>> Available restarts:
>> 1. (IGNORE) Ignore the error, and try the operation again
>> What should be done in this situation and how can i avoid it? Searching internet with this message did not yield any meaningful results (except for one Stackoverflow post that tells about having the same mistake).
>> вт, 1 дек. 2020 г. в 22:15, Marius Gerbershagen <marius.gerbershagen at>:
>>> The generated library does indeed contain all systems that your library
>>> contains on. The undefined references are init functions, which need to
>>> be called via ecl_init_module after cl_boot to initialize the compiled
>>> libraries (see
>>> for more details).
>>> Since you didn't specify an explicit init name yourself, init functions
>>> are automatically generated for each system contained in the final
>>> library. When compiling a monolithic library, it is preferable to
>>> specify an explicit init name yourself, for example as
>>> (asdf:make-build :embedded-console :type :static-library :move-here
>>> #P"/my/output/dir" :monolithic t :init-name "init_lib_embedded_console")
>>> and then invoke it using
>>> extern void init_lib_embedded_console(cl_object);
>>> /* ... */
>>> cl_boot(argc, argv);
>>> ecl_init_module(NULL, init_lib_embedded_console);
>>> Am 29.11.20 um 13:17 schrieb Иван Трусков:
>>>> Hello. I am trying to make a library that makes use of 'STR' package and
>>>> link it into my C program.
>>>> I presumed that using :monolithic t flag would result in the static
>>>> library that contained all systems my library depends on. However it
>>>> seems that is not the case.
>>>> Here is my .asd file:
>>>> (defsystem "embedded-console"
>>>> :description "embedded console - ECL functions for smart snake game"
>>>> :author "Ivan Truskov <trus19 at <mailto:trus19 at>>"
>>>> :components ((:file "embedded-console"))
>>>> :depends-on ("str"))
>>>> I am compiling the library with command:
>>>> ecl -norc -eval '(require :ecl-quicklisp)'
>>>> -eval '(push \"/my/src/dir/\" asdf:*central-registry*)'
>>>> -eval '(asdf:make-build :embedded-console :type
>>>> :static-library :move-here \#P\"/my/output/dir}\" :monolithic t )'
>>>> -eval '(quit)'
>>>> However, when i try to link with resulting library, this is what i get:
>>>> ... undefined reference to `init_lib_CL_PPCRE'
>>>> ... undefined reference to `init_lib_BASE'
>>>> ... undefined reference to `init_lib_CL_UNICODE'
>>>> ... undefined reference to `init_lib_CL_PPCRE_UNICODE'
>>>> ... undefined reference to `init_lib_CL_CHANGE_CASE'
>>>> ... undefined reference to `init_lib_STR'
>>>> ... undefined reference to `init_lib_EMBEDDED_CONSOLE'
>>>> And indeed, when i run nm over the built file
>>>> embedded-console--all-systems.a, this is output:
>>>> eclinitVtJU9J.o:
>>>> 0000000000000000 b Cblock.10857
>>>> U cl_boot
>>>> U cl_symbols
>>>> U _ecl_frs_push
>>>> U ecl_init_module
>>>> U ecl_make_codeblock
>>>> U ecl_process_env
>>>> U init_lib_BASE
>>>> U init_lib_CL_CHANGE_CASE
>>>> U init_lib_CL_PPCRE
>>>> U init_lib_CL_PPCRE_UNICODE
>>>> U init_lib_CL_UNICODE
>>>> U init_lib_EMBEDDED_CONSOLE
>>>> 0000000000000000 T init_lib_EMBEDDED_CONSOLE__ALL_SYSTEMS
>>>> U init_lib_STR
>>>> 0000000000000110 T main_lib_EMBEDDED_CONSOLE__ALL_SYSTEMS
>>>> U _setjmp
>>>> nm: cl-ppcre.a: File format not recognized
>>>> nm: base.a: File format not recognized
>>>> nm: cl-unicode.a: File format not recognized
>>>> nm: cl-ppcre-unicode.a: File format not recognized
>>>> nm: cl-change-case.a: File format not recognized
>>>> nm: str.a: File format not recognized
>>>> nm: embedded-console.a: File format not recognized
>>>> What am i doing wrong? What should i change to get static library
>>>> containing all systems i am intending to use (and maybe only them, if
>>>> possible)?