Unhappily, neither *user-cc-flags* nor *ld-flags* allows me to get the desired result: the former is not used by build-program, and the latter is only used *after* passing the list of .a, too late for a -Wl,--whole-archive. Moreover, on Darwin and/or with lld, I need to use -Wl,-force_load before each individual .a instead, and the current interface won't allow that. I tried to link .o files directly, instead of .a files, but ran into a different ECL issue regarding slot inheritance; see my other email about that. PS: Regarding using c:build-program instead of c::builder :program, when was the change made? Do I need to care about supporting older versions of ECL? —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org What is mind? No matter! What is matter? Never mind! — Bertrand Russell's Grand Mother, In Karl Popper, The Unended Quest On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 11:06 AM, Daniel Kochmański <daniel@turtleware.eu> wrote:
Faré writes:
Is there an official or encouraged way?
builder (and all interfaces built on top of it) support ld-flags key argument. Additionally if you want to influence how ECL compiles files dynamically you may shadow *user-cc-flags* and *user-ld-flags*.
This won't work. *user-cc-flags* isn't used by build-program, AFAICT, and user-ld-flags is only used at the end of the linking command, which is too late for a --whole-archive (and a --no-whole-archive is actually needed before the -ldl -lm etc. calls, whereas on Darwin, the -force_load is needed in front of each individual .a).
*user-cc-flags* and *user-ld-flags* are used in all operations involving C/C++ compiler. If it's too late, then what about (mentioned in the previous mail) :ld-flags ?