Make sure you have uiop (a library) in your local projects or another registry - otherwise asdf won't add it to the bundle because it is 'preloaded' - and ql won't download it - ditto. Daniel Wysłano z aplikacji ProtonMail -------- Oryginalna wiadomość -------- 13 sty 2021, 08:39, pls.153 napisał(a):
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, January 12, 2021 1:30 PM, Erik Winkels <aerique@xs4all.nl> wrote:
I've alleviated my slow startup somewhat by
diff --git a/make.lisp b/make.lisp index 41d4e3d..52b05b6 100644 --- a/make.lisp +++ b/make.lisp @@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ (asdf:make-build "app" :monolithic t :type :static-library - :prologue-code '(require :ecl-quicklisp) + :prologue-code '(progn (require :sb-bsd-sockets) + (require :asdf)) :move-here "./" :init-name "init_lib_APP__ALL_SYSTEMS")
ok, so I just tried to build a dummy app on the desktop (problem is the same there) with the dependencies listed in your ASDF definitions. I added :uiop as an additional dependency (both in *.asd and 'dependencies.lisp'), but this still didn't work without adding :asdf.
But after the following hack (in 'make.lisp') I was able to run the app without startup errors:
:prologue-code '(progn (require :sb-bsd-sockets) (defpackage uiop/os) (defpackage uiop/pathname) (defpackage uiop/filesystem) (defpackage asdf/operate) (defpackage asdf/lisp-action) ;;(require :asdf) )
As you can see, creating some dummy packages and excluding ASDF worked (of course you need to test if your app still works this way).