Hello, I'm cross-posting because I don't know if the issue is related to ASDF or ECL. I'm using the most recent repos of both. When dumping a very simple system defined like this: (asdf:defsystem :simple :depends-on (:net.didierverna.clon) :components ((:file "simple")) :entry-point "simple:main") with (asdf:operate 'asdf:program-op :simple), I'm getting a runtime error with the executable: Condition of type: SIMPLE-PACKAGE-ERROR There exists no package with name "NET.DIDIERVERNA.CLON.SETUP" No restarts available. Top level in: #<process TOP-LEVEL 0x10a821f80>. So it seems that the net.didierverna.clon.setup system is not dumped in the executable. In Clon, the dependency on setup is indirect: net.didierverna.clon <- net.didierverna.clon.core net.didierverna.clon.core <- net.didierverna.clon.setup If I add an explicit dependency on setup in the :simple ASDF system above like this: :depends-on (:net.didierverna.clon.setup :net.didierverna.clon)) the problem goes away. This doesn't happen with the 5 other Lisp implementations that I've tested. Also, it may be worth mentioning that Clon's setup system gets a special treatment. It's loaded explicitly at the top of several .asd files like this (with the utmost disrespect for the Almighty ASDF Gods recommendations): (asdf:load-system :net.didierverna.clon.setup) I'm wondering if this may have something to do with the problem. Thanks! -- ¡En Seguida! -- New album: https://www.didierverna.com/records/en-seguida.php Available on all digital platforms now! Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info