lil passes all tests for me on sbcl, ccl, allegro, clisp, but on ecl I get:
Condition of type: SEGMENTATION-VIOLATION Detected access to an invalid or protected memory address.
Which precise test causes the segfault varies at each try.
To reproduce:
rlwrap ecl -eval "'(#.(require "asdf")#.(asdf:test-system :lil))"
:b shows failure either in lil/test/stateful-map::test-stateful-map or in lil/test/pure-map::test-pure-map
and probably at slightly different places therein.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• For followers of most ideologies (openly religious or not), toleration is a concession of defeat. For libertarians, it is victory itself.