On 4 Jun 2017, at 23:15, Ivan Truskov <trus19@gmail.com> wrote:

I am trying to have a go with ECL. I have built ECL on windows 10
machine with 64-bit Visual Studio (community version) and i am trying to
run example on build that comes with the source code.

In open window of ecl.exe, i go to the folder, and call load on
"readme.lisp". Then, on the first lines of it, i recieve the following
error and the execution stops. Error as follows:

Condition of type: SIMPLE-ERROR
In COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME, the type OBJECT is unsupported.
Available restarts:

1. (RESTART-TOPLEVEL) Go back to Top-Level REPL.

Broken at SI:BYTECODES. [Evaluation of: (C::COMPILER-CC "hello_aux.c"
(COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME "hello_aux.c" :TYPE :OBJECT))] In: #<process
(Position #1054)

How can i get past this error?
Related question: how do i set up the compiler used and compiler
environment? How do i check it (determine what current setings are)?

Works for me.

I have (require :cmp) in ~/.eclrc ; perhaps that’s what you’re missing?

__Pascal J. Bourguignon__