tl;dr:How can I use a list of strings defined in ECL as a ListView model in QML in Qt 5.6?
So I'm really not familiar with Qt, but since it is the GUI toolkit for Sailfish phones I have to use it.
I'm trying to make a list of strings in ECL available as model to a ListView which has been defined in QML. I've been looking at examples, specifically this one: but I cannot use it directly because of some constraints in my environment and I also cannot wrap my head about how to solve it.
This is the ListView in QML:
SilicaListView { anchors.fill: parent //model: ListModel { id: listModel } model: 100
header: PageHeader { title: "Messages" }
delegate: BackgroundItem { id: delegate
Label { text: "Item " + index }
onClicked: console.log("Clicked " + index) }
And this is what I have in Lisp so far:
;;; Model ;;; ;;;
(defun set-my-model () (qlet ((data (qvariant-from-value *pushover-messages* "QStringList"))) (|setContextProperty| (|rootContext| qml:*quick-view*) "myModel" data)))
Taken straight from the example. However, I'm not sure what to do with the `qml:*quick-view*`
The problem is my constraints:
- I cannot start Qt from Lisp like in the example. There's a C++ initializer which start s up all the Sailfish OS stuff and EQL. So far I'm doing ``s from QML which works well enough. (Also see Renaud's template which I based all this on: )
- Sailfish OS only supports Qt 5.6
Thanks, Erik