05.02.2016, 11:15, "Daniel Kochmański" <daniel@turtleware.eu>:
Anton Vodonosov writes:
Daniel, your 16.1.2 linux results are submitted. If you run the previous release on the same machine, I will be able to produce a diff report.
OK, I'll do that. 32 bit machine will finish soon also (I've suspended it for a night). Then I'll run with 16.0.0 this one as well.
Your windows results are usually CRASH results, like this: http://cl-test-grid.appspot.com/blob?key=m76e0039li
Alos, you seem to forgot to change :user-email from avodonosov@yandex.ru to your email.
Hrm, a few first tries were against cygwin build which had such problems, but I think that the last two runs (which were against MSVC version) did OK. All windows results are trash?
I only see results from ecl-16.1.2-093ba0ab-win-x86-bytecode submitted twice (for example see here https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/library/drakma.html ) Both times the log mentions C:/cygwin64/ directory.