15.02.2016, 19:23, "Daniel Kochmański" <daniel@turtleware.eu>:
*sigh*, I've run the tests only against -rc3 on the server and it lacks some libraries and is too slow for some libraries to load (timeouts). I'm re-running both 16.0.0 and 16.1.2-rc3 on my noisy desktop machine :)
Regards, Daniel
PS I've succesfully generated the reports, though I had to find the version string by analizing result of
; -- (prog1 nil (setf *xxx* (remove-if-not #'(lambda (result) (string-equal "ecl" (lisp result) :end2 3)) *all-results*))) (remove-duplicates *xxx* :key #'lisp :test #'equalp) ; --
I usually look them up here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cl-test-grid-notifications