Hi ! Thanks for ECL, I've been learning CL for the past weeks and it's my favorite implementation so far ! Would love to contribute one I've the required skills :)) I'm trying to create a small script that'll allow users to recreate a mail thread inside a virtual maildir box. I would like to use ECL for that script but the project which this script will belong to ([fruitslegumes][1]) is focused on using no dependencies. Because of this constraint, I only ever used POSIX-shell/C99 to build those scripts I would love to use ECL as programs can be compiled down to machine code, which can be `upx`-ed, but users would have to install their ecl package. I managed to statically link libecl with a simple script, but it gets harder for me when trying with the example-with-dep program. I saw in a previous thread of this mailing list that statically linking ECL makes asdf unusable. Is that still the case ? Would it be possible to either provide an example (if what i'm asking is even possible) or talk in more depth about ecl being statically linked ? Regards, Thomas.