Hi, I've been having some issues booting ECL in programs where I am not in control of the main function entry. I've tried running the main program with gdb after compiling ECL with debug enabled, but I haven't gotten any useful output so far, just that cl_boot triggered an exit with code 1. I will continue to hit my head against the wall with it. It's clear that my program is crashing on cl_boot though, which I'm calling when the dll is initialized like so: char* argv; char** pargv; argv = "app"; pargv = &argv; cl_boot(1, pargv); I got this weird setup from some notes I took a number of years ago, but I can't seem to find this usage anywhere, so it might be related. Off-hand, I've also tried using cl_boot with 0 and NULL as the arguments, but the result is the same. I am using MSVC-compiled ECL and I can still call ecl_get_option(ECL_OPT_BOOTED) to see that it is clearly not already booted. Would anyone happen to know if I'm doing something obviously wrong? Thanks! Jason Chandler