30 Aug
30 Aug
7:04 p.m.
When I look at https://mailman.common-lisp.net/pipermail/ecl-devel/2018-August/thread.html I see 3 posts by him all in the thread "Oddities in ECL tests on Linux" .I haven't received any of them (they're not in spam either). Before this month last time he posted on the list was on 2016-12-27 with Message-ID: <CAN7nBXcjskn=J3oRJTBJVt1mJBY+DKVs-hFjOtTHtB0aoenp6w@mail.gmail.com> and I received that one (and previous emails by him). So the question is whether anyone else has the same problem. Spiros Bousbouras