Hi, A small update on the eql5 situation on Sailfish OS. I packaged the 19.9.1 version of eql5 and just uploaded it on https://openrepos.net I already put the related repositories’ urls here but just in case, here it is. For eql5 itself, with small changes to make it work with Sailfish’s Qt version: https://redmine.casenave.fr/projects/eql5/repository/28?utf8=%E2%9C%93&rev=sfos For the spec file used to make the rpm: https://redmine.casenave.fr/projects/eql5-spec/repository I also made a package to bootstrap application development here: https://redmine.casenave.fr/projects/eql5-sfos/repository It is based on the example “my” from EQL5-Android, as Paul suggested, but much more barebone. If you are interested, I’d be willing to make one or two pull requests upstream to make it official but I don’t really know how it would fit. Cheers, -- Renaud Casenave-Péré