On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 21:39:34 +0200 Daniel KochmaĆski wrote:
Looking in the ECL source I saw a si::eval-with-env function in file ecl-16.1.3/src/c/compiler.d .If you do
which suggests that the function is not just for internal use. But scanning the documentation , I didn't see it mentioned.
symbols in package system are part of ecl internals (this is documented), they are not part of the api. Only symbols reexported to ext are somewhat stable.
Ok , this confused me originally because I thought that "EXT" , "SYS" , "SYSTEM" were all nicknames for package "SI" .But it turns out that this was true in an older version and now "EXT" is a separate package.
I tried
(defmacro env-eval (form &environment env) `(ext:eval-with-env ,form (quote ,env))) ENV-EVAL
(let ((v 12)) (env-eval '(print v))) The variable V is unbound. Broken at EVAL.No restarts available. Broken at EVAL.
So is there a way to achieve this ?
eval-with-evn accepts the lexical environment while environment put there by defmacro is something else. You may use a hack, but I do not guarantee it will work in all scenarios:
CL-USER> (defmacro eval-with-lexenv-ala-clisp (form) `(let ((lexenv (nth-value 1 (function-lambda-expression (lambda ()))))) (si:eval-with-env ,form lexenv))) EVAL-WITH-LEXENV-ALA-CLISP CL-USER> (let ((v 42)) (eval-with-lexenv-ala-clisp '(print v)))
42 42
Thanks , this looks promising.
Most notably this *won't* work in normally compiled code.
This won't be a problem.