I'm trying to update bdwgc with new releases. New GC version will be shipped with next version of ECL. LMK when you manage to run EQL5 on Android. If you are willing to write a blog post about that with screenshots, I would be happy to put it on ECL blog. Best regards, Daniel On 27.06.2017 19:08, PR wrote:
Update 2: just to close the issue of this thread: it's no longer relevant, because I'm using Android NDK 10e now (as recommended for Qt 5.9).
The mentioned NDK version (10e) doesn't have the "tkill()" problem, and I prefer "not to touch a running system" (I mean the GC sources of ECL).
So: issue closed.
2017-06-26 22:03 GMT+02:00, PR <polos.ruetz@gmail.com>:
Update: the mentioned issue could already be solved (by a small patch to the GC sources). Now both ECL and EQL5 are already cross-compiled for Android, using NDK 15.
(And since I'm new to Android, I got a little confused: the recommended NDK for Qt 5.9 is actually 10e, not 15.)
Next steps will be building the EQL5 library and an example (hopefully soon on Google Play)...
2017-06-25 19:25 GMT+02:00, PR <polos.ruetz@gmail.com>:
2017-06-25 18:20 GMT+02:00, PR <polos.ruetz@gmail.com>:
- building ECL for android only works with NDK r9 (which is really old already) Providing more info: attached you find the point where it's bailing out trying to build with NDK r15.