Hello, can you please tell me how to: 1. Initialize lisp environment in a thread that was already created by C/C++ app? Is it possible for it to share existing lisp environment? 2. Is accessing and modification of the shared lisp environment from a new thread made by (mp:process-run-function) threadsafe? For example I am running swank this way, is this a safe practice? 3. In the environment where only ECL is garbage collected: Calling ecl_base_string_pointer_safe(si_copy_to_simple_base_string(obj)) means that resulting C string will be eventually garbage collected? 4. Likewise (ffi:c-inline () () :cstring "...") returns the value via ecl_cstring_to_base_string_or_nil() which causes trouble when C side deallocates it, I presume? Regards, Juraj