Hey, thank you for response. Anton Vodonosov writes:
12.02.2016, 20:58, "Daniel Kochmański" <daniel@turtleware.eu>:
I've finished running cl-test-grid on the rc2 (I hope I've fixed the issue – it wasn't the RNG, but defsetf bug).
Could you Anton create reports based on these new tests? Thank you! There is no rush with it of course.
Here they are: https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/ecl/ecl-diff-16.1.2-rc2-lin-x64... https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/ecl/ecl-diff-16.1.2-rc2-lin-x64...
Thanks. Weird, I've explicitly checked alexandria and there seems to be no failed tests on my machine. Maybe I had some cache leftovers? Or some other weird issue (like providing wrong path for the implementation). Not sure. Tested it right now with (asdf:test-system 'alexandria) to confirm that and I have "No tests failed". I'll rerun tests on Monday.
They are generated by these two calls: https://github.com/cl-test-grid/cl-test-grid-work/blob/1211e0f191542f3bb1cde...
Sorry for bothering you. I'll generate next reports myself :-)
Also, whey I sent you reports for RC1, I made a mistake, they were both generated from bytecode compiler. Sorry about that:
08.02.2016, 13:22, "Anton Vodonosov" <avodonosov@yandex.ru>:
Here are the diff reports:
https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/ecl/ecl-diff-16.1.2-lin-x64-lis... https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/ecl/ecl-diff-16.1.2-lin-x64-byt...
The fixed lisp-to-c diff for the previous RC: https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/ecl/ecl-diff-16.1.2-lin-x64-lis...
Np. Thanks once again.
Best regards, - Anton
Regards, Daniel -- Daniel Kochmański ;; aka jackdaniel | Poznań, Poland TurtleWare - Daniel Kochmański | www.turtleware.eu "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi