Hi Daniel,
Hej, I believe I've fixed this bug recently. Could you check with the git head version?
yes it is fixed there, thank you! Getting further, the next error is: ;;; Compiling (DEFUN EVENT-STATISTICS ...). ;;; Error: ;;; in file macros.lisp, position 41357 ;;; at (DEFUN EVENT-STATISTICS ...) ;;; * The macro form (INFO V) was not expanded successfully. ;;; Error detected: ;;; Too few arguments supplied to a macro or a destructuring-bind form: ;;; (INFO V) Condition of type: SIMPLE-ERROR couldn't compile "src/compiler/macros.lisp" Broken at SB-COLD::LOAD-OR-CLOAD-XCOMPILER. In: #<process TOP-LEVEL>. File: #P"/tmp/nix-build-sbcl-1.3.4.drv-1/sbcl-1.3.1/src/cold/defun-load-or-cload-xcompiler.lisp" (Position #974) The info in macrolet has (&rest args) so "Too few arguments" error should not happen. There also exists a function info with three arguments in the sbcl sources so it might be that it somehow clashes with the macrolet info. If I extract all relevant code for event-statistics, it does compile without problems even if I define a potentially "clashing" defun info with three args. Not sure how to get simpler testcase than compiling sbcl. Tomas