I'm experimenting with your changes now but, for some reason that I don't understand, when I run the tests as make l=ecl interactively on Ubuntu (using the Ubuntu ECL package 16.1.2-3), signals are throwing me into the interactive debugger, instead of being caught. I have no idea why this started happening, because I used to be able to run ECL successfully, and I don't believe I have changed the package (although Ubuntu might have upgraded it).

Actually /usr/bin/ecl is crashing with SIGABRT when running programs, apparently, on my Ubuntu box. (SIGABRT in si_run_program()). I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling ECL in the hopes that fixes this, but unless I get some help, I will not be able to continue testing ASDF on ECL on Linux.

On 30 Aug 2018, at 13:22, Marius Gerbershagen wrote:

No, I don't think so. The sockets module has been part of ECL since
version 0.9f from 2005. Please note, that this test can fail anyway if
ECL is built without support for the respective module (be it :rt or
:sockets). The change only prevents it from failing on a default build

Am 30.08.2018 um 19:53 schrieb Robert Goldman:

Thank you very much for these, Marius. I will look into fixing them
directly. One question - do I need to check for ECL version number when
requiring sockets in the test? I.e., to I need to test with |:rt| in
older versions and |:sockets| in newer? Or will |:sockets| work in older
versions of ECL, as well?


On 30 Aug 2018, at 12:46, Marius Gerbershagen wrote:

Harmless in the sense that ECL doesn't crash or throw me in the
interactive debugger. Besides, the test failures seem to be easily
fixed. The test-require.script test fails because it tries to require
the :rt module which is deprecated on the develop branch and no longer
build by default. A simple fix is to use the :sockets module instead:

diff --git a/test/test-require.script b/test/test-require.script
index e5f70857..1ef84e8c 100644
--- a/test/test-require.script
+++ b/test/test-require.script
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
#+allegro :sax
#+clisp (first (remove "asdf" *dynmod-list* :test 'equal))
#+(or clozure cmucl) :defsystem
- #+ecl :rt ;; loads faster than :ecl-quicklisp
+ #+ecl :sockets
#+lispworks "comm"
#+mkcl :walker
#+sbcl :sb-md5

The test-program.script test seems to fail to include uiop because of an
error in the linkable-system function. Tracing it shows that the
function returns nil for the uiop system object,
1> (ASDF/BUNDLE::LINKABLE-SYSTEM #<system "uiop">)
which seems to be caused by a missing call to coerce-name:

diff --git a/bundle.lisp b/bundle.lisp
index 2ff56f93..42034c9f 100644
--- a/bundle.lisp
+++ b/bundle.lisp
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ which is probably not what you want; you probably
need to tweak your output tran
;; If an ASDF upgrade is available from source, but not a UIOP
upgrade to that,
;; then use the asdf/driver system instead of
;; the UIOP that was disabled by check-not-old-asdf-system.
- (if-let (s (and (equal x "uiop") (output-files 'lib-op "asdf")
(find-system "asdf/driver")))
+ (if-let (s (and (equal (coerce-name x) "uiop") (output-files
'lib-op "asdf") (find-system "asdf/driver")))
(and (output-files 'lib-op s) s))
;; If there was no source upgrade, look for modules provided by
the implementation.
(if-let (p (system-module-pathname (coerce-name x)))

Am 29.08.2018 um 01:22 schrieb Faré:

I can't reproduce this, for me the tests run fine without
being thrown
in the debugger. I only get two harmlessly looking test failures
(test-program.script and test-require.script).

No test failure is harmless. The test-program.script failure is what
Robert saw, that I can reproduce. I didn't reproduce a failure with
test-require. I had more problems with ECL from the develop branch,
but maybe it was a bad idea to use the develop branch.

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
There are two kinds of people, those who do the work
and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group;
there is less competition there
— Indira Gandhi.