sagemath (sagemath.org) uses ecl 16.1.2 to compile and run Maxima (and not only it) on Cygwin, so it is certainly possible. we turn threads off, however. As well, we add -D_GNU_SOURCE to C and CXX flags. On Mon, 15 Jul 2019 at 10:14, Иван Трусков <trus19@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello I am trying to build and use ECL on windows machine under cygwin environment However, evter it is built, there arises a problem when i try to compile any lisp files, for example when running examples/build/readme.lisp Inspecting with gsb gives the picture of stack overflow on handling some exception across threads, overflow occuring in the bad case of circular calls to acquiring thread-local data (pthreads_getspecific) and processing error message from failure of it.
is there recommended configuration for cygwin that would allow to overcome that kind of problem? Alternatively, what data exactly are needed for a full bug report? I would gladly provide everything relevant