On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 5:02 AM, Daniel Kochmański <daniel@turtleware.eu> wrote:
What do you mean by 'linking C file'? If you want to compile independent C file with ECL, then you are out of luck, because there is no official support for that in ECL's builder. It may work by passing file as one of lisp-files to builder, because ECL uses C files *internally*, but it's far from encouraged or official.
Is there an official or encouraged way? I'm trying to achieve for ECL what I now have for SBCL and CLISP, a single-executable output with both Lisp and C code linked together. If I link things myself, I don't have the magic ecl initialization code; if I don't, I can't convince ECL to pass the correct flags.
As a side note, I see you use there c::builder, which is also internal. Exported interfaces are build-fasl, build-program, build-static-library and build-shared-library (it doesn't make a difference right now, but in the future builder interface may change, while the mentioned functions wont).
I was "just" reusing the old pattern from asdf-ecl, and hadn't noticed the new interface. I will update cffi-toolchain and uiop/image.
builder (and all interfaces built on top of it) support ld-flags key argument. Additionally if you want to influence how ECL compiles files dynamically you may shadow *user-cc-flags* and *user-ld-flags*.
This won't work. *user-cc-flags* isn't used by build-program, AFAICT, and user-ld-flags is only used at the end of the linking command, which is too late for a --whole-archive (and a --no-whole-archive is actually needed before the -ldl -lm etc. calls, whereas on Darwin, the -force_load is needed in front of each individual .a). I suppose I could force linking of .o's and never .a's. Sigh. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Mathematics is as little a science as grammar is a language. — Ernst Mayr