From: ecl-devel [mailto:ecl-devel-bounces@common-lisp.net] On Behalf Of Philipp Marek
In my case I'd like to write software for NXP1769 which is ARM Cortex M3, 64kB Ram, 512kB Flash. To be honest, to me that sounds like a job for FORTH.
I second that, In 1989+ we had 7270 "smart" terminals connected to IBM360-line mainframes, (in our University) those "smart" terminal were having 64K of RAM and were allowing FORTH there, and this combination was efficient enough to have plenty of ASCII-based games, and for us to having programmer's fun. This is why I also thought about FORTH, But - still - LISP have similar background of history, so if there is no task of having entire COMMON LISP standard there - then just reasonable subset is really possible. My intuition says to me that FORTH is easier to strip down. However - ECL has closer connection to C, which will make your life easier. Regards, Vadim.