Dear Lisp Implementation Developers and Maintainers, Today we release ASDF 3.3.6, the sixth bugfix release for the 3.3 release series, and -- it is devoutly to be hoped -- the final one. We urge implementations that are currently bundling previous versions of ASDF -- and especially those bundling 3.3.0 through 3.3.5 -- to upgrade to 3.3.6 at their earliest convenience. As maintainer, my primary role continues to be coordination and some limited quality control. The real work for this release has been done by many contributors and bug-reporters, to whom the Common Lisp community owes a tremendous vote of thanks. Their names are listed on the Changelog, appended below. An extra special thanks is due to my co-maintainer, Eric Timmons, who has provided many fixes and also has overhauled and much improved our regression testing. We *hope* that the next release will be 3.4, introducing new functionality but which, as the numbering suggests, will be backward compatible. Best, Robert * Fix bug loading ASDF system definitions from jar files on ABCL. See !190 * Fix bug with version numbering after reload. See !194 and #94. Thanks to Eric Timmons. * Fix bug in return value of UPGRADE-ASDF. See !195. Again, thanks to Eric Timmons. * Multiple improvements to documentation and tests. Thanks to Nathan Ringo and Phoebe Goldman. * Add clasp support for uiop/launch program. Thanks to Christian Schafmeister. * Miscellaneous minor bug fixes and tweaks. * Don't let *package* binding leak into ASDF compile operations. Thanks to Phoebe Goldman.
participants (1)
Robert Goldman