Actually I just sent my message because I remember a similar message from you at another ECLM edition (don't remember when, but the color of my hair was still blond!

Un abrazo y hasta manyana!


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Antonio Martinez <> wrote:
Karsten!  Long time no see!  Jorge Matías and I will be in the city centre around 19:00 and will ask around the pubs for "slightly inebriated Lispers--seen any?"  On the off-chance that doesn't work, I'll send you my mobile number in a bit.

For those who arrive sooner, Malasaña is a fine area for tapas/pub crawls, as are the Cava Alta/Baja area, and the Plaza de Santa Ana.  It's hard to go wrong by just strolling around in the sun and entering the bars which take yr fancy...

If yr planning to be around the Plaza Mayor area, Mercado de San Miguel for an aperitif, take a peek at El Ñeru for lunch, either at the bar or for lunch downstairs, whichever works best...

See you tomorrow!