Hello Deliana and Manu,

I am in the tour but I am not sure if I will get there on time. My flight will arive at 1130h. I am leaving Brazil right now. So if I do not take the tour or maybe after that, it will be a pleasure to join you.


On Friday, October 21, 2011, Manu Iyengar <mi@glyfis.com> wrote:
> I'm not going on the tour, I plan to aimlessly wander around the city (I know Amsterdam a little bit, and it's fun to wander)
> Deliana (and anyone else who isn't going on the tour), you're most welcome to join me.
> Het Ij is an easy wander from the central station or Dam square, I vote +1.
> Manu
> On Oct 21, 2011, at 8:31 PM, Foutekova, Deliana wrote:
>> OK, so people who want to do sightseeing are already on the guided tour and the others are only interested in beer, I get it ;-)
>> The guided tour will start 13:40 and last 2 hours, so it will end at approx. 15:40. I assume it will end where it starts, at Dam Square? If so, could this be a good place to meet? 15:45 -- 16:00? It's near to the central station.
>> The pub I had in mind is  Het Ij http://www.europeanbeerguide.net/hetij.htm, Amsterdam's oldest brewery, so definitely of some sightseeing value, but it's not in the city center, so my plan is maybe not that good, any better suggestions are welcome!
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Deliana Foutekova   ***   unjm@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
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Alexandre Rademaker
Professor at FGV/EMAp
Tel.: +55 21 3799-5551