Elephant 0.3.0 is now released.

The following capsule has been added to the introduction section of the documentation, which
has a large section describing the extensions in this release:

This release, Elephant 0.3, also provides support for relational backends. It has been tested with Postgres and SQLite 3. It is back-compatible with any code that ran against previous versions of Elephant, but also supports simultaneous multi-repository operation and convenient migration of data between repositories. This hopefully allows decisions about the prefered back-end storage mechanism to be delayed and changed, even after an application that uses Elephant is mature.

* * *

This is the work that was done in the branch SQL-BACK-END, which I have now merged into
the trunk of the projects CVS repository and tagged ELEPHANT-0-3-0.  (I have also created a
tar file and reference in the project homepage:


If you choose to download and try this release, please send me a note, whether you are
successful or have problems.  At present I am capable of being very responsive to problems
with this system.

Robert L. Read, PhD                                     read &T robertlread.net
Consider visiting Progressive Engineering:      http://robertlread.net/pe
In Austin: 912-8593                                        "Think globally, Act locally." -- RBF