Elephant 0.4.0 is released.  It can be obtained from the elephant project main page:

This release only fixes bugs over the 0.3.0 release; however the numbers seem low
for what I deem to be a relatively stable system so I called it 0.4.0.  The improvements
over 0.3.0 are:

1)  0.4.0 now works with unicode-enables SBCL versions
2)  0.4.0 works with ACL
3)  a bug in documentation has been fixed.

Thanks to Waldo Rubinstein, Andrew Philpot, Andrew Blumberg and me.

If anybody installs 0.4.0 and gets it to work, I would love a confirmation email
telling me which LISP implementation you use so that I can build a matrix
of what works.  I myself only test under SBCL, but I believe this release will
work with ACL and Open MCL.

Robert L. Read, PhD                                     read &T robertlread.net
Consider visiting Progressive Engineering:      http://robertlread.net/pe
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