I saw the reference to fork in the earlier message. Seeing I have come in a little late you will have to excuse my asking. What do you intend to use fork for in erlang-in-lisp? Erlang processes? Many Erlang processes can generate many processes.


2008/5/19 Matt Bone <thatmattbone@gmail.com>:
Ok, so I've been getting up to speed on my systems programming in
common lisp.  I've actually been a bit surprised that there is no
portable posix interface (though it shouldn't be too hard to make the
things we're interested in work on various implementations).

As far as pulling in the fork stuff from philip-jose, I've been
screwing around with a lot of different things.  If it's alright with
everyone I think I'd prefer to abandon the C file and just use
implementation specific posix calls (like sb-posix:fork) when
available and CFFI when not.

To be honest I'm still not understanding how far we need to take the
fork mechanism.  Are we trying to match, for example, the features in
SCSH so this can be a useful standalone component?  Or is this just
the concurrency mechanism we're looking to use as a starting point (if
so, I have a few other questions/ideas that I'll need to

I'll be away at a conference to present a paper tomorrow and tuesday.
After that, all my non-SoC obligations are complete until the fall.

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