This list is probably a good place to ask for help with this:

In LFE (Lisp Flavoured Erlang) I have extended cond with a matching test. Today you can do

(cond ((match <pat> <expr>) ...)

You evaluate the expression and if the result matches the pattern then the test succeeds and all the variables in the pattern are bound and can be used in that body. This is easy to implement and suits a pattern matching style of programming.

The question is what to call the operator? I think using 'match', while descriptive, is way too general and can easily be expanded by a macro. I had thought of '=?' which builds on Erlang assignment '=' and a test '?', but maybe it is too Erlangy. Any suggestions welcome.

Just an small observation: now that I am directly working with lisp and erlang at the same time is that have pattern matching really affects your style or programming. I know it is obvious but it still hits you when you see it.
