2008/6/4 Faré <fahree@gmail.com>:
Nice presentation. Thanks a lot!

Thank you, thank you.
Silly remarks:
* in CL, bitvectors\ are like that: #*01110111
 I don't know whether they correspond to Erlang binary constants, but
if they do, you may keep the same syntax (or not since CL ones are
actually writeable).

In a sense I think they are the same. The main problem with using the CL bitvector syntax is that binaries are usually much bigger, sometimes mega-bytes.
* instead of fletrec you might or not want to use labels. Now your
lisp dialect will by definition be incompatible with any other
dialect, so it probably doesn't matter too much.

I don't like the labels name and I am free to do as I want. :-) At least until we are more people working on LFE, if that ever occurs.
* for gensyms that work across upgrade of distributed code, if you're
afraid of collisions, you might consider prepending the gensym'ed
symbol name with the crypto hash of the module code being compiled.

That would work, but I don't really know how worried I am about the problem. It was more a comment on that neither Scheme's hygiene and gensym are really safe unless you use them as intended. We'll see what the users need.
