Hello Dirk & all,
a) I have quickly skimmed over the current source and it seems that the important functionality of process linking is missing, isn't it ?
b) I've also just read your "mop" section of the roadmap (section 2), where you want to investigate other avenues for parallelism than Erlang's one.
I suggest reading what's made available by Mozart/Oz should give you most-important ideas about that. Erlang's concurrency is only one possibility in Oz, actually one of the more complex and powerful, but there is a whole scale of ways to go concurrent worth studying there. FYI, the Oz book is available there : http://www.ulb.ac.be/di/rwuyts/INFO020_2003/vanRoyHaridi2003-book.pdf
It seems to me that wrt Oz, the parallel with the MOP is only superficial. On the other hand, I know one thing called "Agent-Group-Role" developped at lirmm which really looks like a mop for multi-agent systems (whatever that means, in fact agent there has to be seen as concurrent objects). You can have a first look at this : http://www.ualr.edu/kxaydin/Agents/From%20Agents%20to% 20Organizations.pdf
I really had no time to allot to seriously playing with it but I intent to someday ... :)
Cheers, Aurélien.