If you know anybody who would be interested in this, please pass it
along. thanks!
The Cadence Design Systems VCAD group in Munich, Germany, is looking
for a University student intern for a period of two to six months.
You would be working on one of the following projects, depending on
our needs and your strengths:
* Project planning and scheduling software. This will be used to
track our utilization of our developers, and to aid in planning
for on-going and future projects.
* Package configuration management software. We deliver to our
customers custom configurations built out of a large number of
pieces of software and other intellectual property. We are
rewriting the system we use to specify, track, and build these
* Common Lisp bindings to a large C++ library. We are working on a
system to automatically generate the low-level bindings, as well
as designing a higher-level interface meant for direct use by
application programmers.
The implementation language for all of the above will most likely be
Common Lisp, although lesser languages such as Java, Perl, and Tcl may
play a role as well. We are looking for someone who either has
experience programming in a Lisp language, or is interested in
learning Lisp in a production environment, and is comfortable in
several mutually unrelated programming languages (eg, C, Smalltalk,
and PostScript; or Java, Prolog, and SPARC assembly language).
Our environment is Unix-based (Solaris and Linux), so you should have
a basic familiarity with Unix. Other things that would be nice, but
are not required: some theoretical familiarity with relational
databases (eg, you took a database class or read the textbook from
one); Windows programming experience; Oracle experience; experience
with C++, SQL, and Prolog.
Virtual CAD (VCAD) is a group within Cadence providing EDA (Electronic
Design Automation) related services. The internship is with the
software development group within VCAD. Cadence's software products
are scripted with the SKILL language, a Lisp language with two
dialects: one Franz Lisp-like dialect, and one Scheme-like dialect.
The VCAD software group also uses Common Lisp where appropriate.
If you are interested, please contact
Thomas F. Burdick (tfb(a)cadence.com) and
Jim Newton (jimka(a)cadence.com)
For more information about VCAD, see:
Hi everyone,
The deadline for workshop proposals for next year's ECOOP is
approaching soon. I am considering organizing another European Lisp
and Scheme workshop at ECOOP'06. However, the "competition" is very
strong next year. On the one hand, there will probably be a European
Common Lisp meeting again around April, and on the other hand it
seems that the International Lisp Conference '06 will also be in
Europe around September/October. An ECOOP workshop would be in the
first week of July.
So I wonder: Is the European Lisp community strong and interested
enough in three big events in one year, or would it be better to stay
focused on fewer events to make them more successful? More
concretely, would it be a better idea to skip an ECOOP workshop next
year, but only do it again in 2007 when the ILC will probably be in
the US again?
Any opinion, no matter how bold or moderate, is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc@p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
Ravenbrook has a couple of Lisp-based consulting opportunities, and is
looking for a number of strong Lispers for medium to long term
One project is for maybe two or three years, full-time, paying about
6-7K GBP per month net of our cut. The other is less clear-cut at
present, a few months to start with, maybe more downstream, and may be
more lucrative. Team work, with Ravenbrook's usual strong emphasis on
requirements focus and evolutionary delivery.
We're in Cambridge UK, and will only consider people prepared to spend
a significant percentage of their working time in our office (at
least, say, one day per week, or one week per month). There's a small
amount of travel on both projects.
- nick
+44 (0)1223 519 215
The third Danish lisp meeting will be held the 20 November 2005, at
15.00. The meeting will be held in Copenhagen, more precisely:
H.C. Ørstedsvej 70, 1. sal i kontorfællesskabet "1. cube", 1879
Frederiksberg C. Klaus Harbo will give a presentation of cl-muproc,
which hopefully will give inspiration to an interesting discussion.
See below for an abstract of the presentation.
If you are interested in joining our user group, all you have to do is
to subscribe to our mailing list. Instructions on how to do this can
be found at: http://wiki.alu.org/Denmark.
Have fun,
-- Peter Mechlenborg
Presentation: cl-muproc -- Erlang-inspired multi-processing in Common LISP
Presenter: Klaus Harbo <klaus AT mu.dk>, Mu Aps
Date: 20 November 2005, at 15.00.
Location: København. More precisely: H.C. Ørstedsvej 70,
1. sal i kontorfællesskabet "1. cube", 1879 Frederiksberg C.
The Erlang programming language offers powerful abstractions for
creating parallel and distributed systems based on a shared-nothing,
message-passing paradigm of multi-processing.
Klaus will present cl-muproc, a Common LISP multi-processing framework
developed at Mu Aps offering a set of abstractions similar to those of
Erlang, including
- process starting & stopping
- process linking & monitoring
- message sending & receiving
- message matching
- message scheduling & process interrupts
as well as the Erlang behaviors `generic server' and `supervisor'.
The presentation will cover the core ideas in cl-muproc, an overview
of the functionality of the framework, and discussion of some of the
issues arising when implementing (some of) Erlang's ideas as an
embedded language in Common LISP. If possible, the examples will be
shown interactively in a live Common LISP environment.
The duration of the presentation is expected to be about 45-60 minutes.