Pascal Costanza <> writes:
Here is an announcement of the Closer Project. This project is an umbrella project for a few subprojects whose aim is to improve the usability of the CLOS MOP across different Common Lisp implementations. The project website is at
This is very cool Pascal! You're bringing one of the coolest parts of Common Lisp to portable Common Lisp. ;) Can't wait to see how this turns out.
Currently, the following Common Lisp implementations are supported:
...and some other implementation that I am not allowed to talk about.
?? NDA? By the way, the two .zip files downloadable from the project website contain "__MACOSX" directories, directories named ".<<implementation name>>" containing FASL files, ".DS_Store" files, backup files named "<<something>>~"... was all of that intentional? Kind regards, Dirk Gerrits